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girl with pony



I am happy to welcome you to my website.
Feel free to browse through my contents and

don't hesitate to get in touch.
I'm looking forward to your message/call.


Anna Katharina Fries (M.Ed./EAA riding instructor)

boy with horse

- What I do-


equine-assisted activities & therapy

Offers for children from 2 years

Discover the world of horses...

individual and group lessons available

get to know horses

  • die optimale Vorbereitung auf das Reiten

tried and trusted content

Pferde - meine Leidenschaft

I'm Anna Katharina Fries. People call me the crazy horse lady...


About me:

  • high school teacher for German and English

  • equine-assisted learning instructor

  • riding instructor (specialized in kids)

  • horse trainer

If you want to know more about me, read the full story

... one more thing about me:

Owning one horse is great, owning more horses is better! 

- what costumers think- 


Lina Wunderwald

Anna is very professional and working with her is a great experience! This is what modern riding lessons should look like! (...) After a few lessons, my daughter and her pony are a real team and we couldn't be happier. Thank you for your commitment to horses and riders alike!


Sarah Woll-Von Blohn

Best riding instructor who also works great with our rather difficult daughter. We can only recommend Anna and her exceptional horse Posmak.


Melanie Schmitt

Great horse-assisted therapy for our son. She always has great ideas and there is a new task every lesson. It never gets boring!
As a result, he has become much more confident and speaks much more clearly. .


Reitpädagogik Fries - Dein Partner Pferd


Thank you!

- Insta News- 

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