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Are you searching for a place for your horse?

Our offer:

Since we simply couldn't find the horse-friendly environment that we imagined for our horses, we to take the boarding of our horses into our own hands. This is what we offer:

- 1500 sqm winter paddock accessible at the stable (500 square meters are completely free of mud)

- over 70 square meters of lying surface in the stable

- heated and frost-free drinking troughs

- heated and lockable saddle room

- feed chamber

- horse shower

- small riding hall (12x18m)
- great trails

- summer paddocks in close proximity to the barn


cost? > price upon request

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Are you a match?

- Is your horse free of diseases and gets along with other horses (both mares and geldings) well?

- Do you want your horse to receive high-quality hay 24/7?

- Are you looking for a nice stable community and want to escape the gossip of a large boarding stable?

- Do you want to be part of a great team and 1-2 stable-service-shifts per week are no problem for you?

- Do you have children of your own or don't you mind that there are horse riding lessons at the stable?

-- Have you ever heard of natural horsemanship?

> If you can answer these questions with “YES”, please contact me. :-)

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