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Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions.


> Does my health insurance company cover the costs?

Most German health insurance companies do not cover any equine assisted actions and my German customers cannot claim any costs. Please ask your insurance company for support. 



> What clothing / equipment is required?

The courses take place all year round in all weathers. Therefore, your child should be dressed appropriately for the season:

  • in winter: hat that fits under the riding helmet, gloves, lined jacket, snow pants

  • in rain: rain jacket / rain pants

  • in summer: sun protection


Your child should always wear closed and sturdy shoes. Comfortable clothing, which can get dirty, is also advisable.

Helmets are available for rent in small numbers, but I've experienced that children feel more comfortable with their own helmet that really fits. It is therefore advisable to purchase a riding helmet after some sessions.



> My child is or will be a student at your school. That's not a problem, is it?

Unfortunately yes it is. As a state civil servant, I am bound by clear guidelines and requirements when performing my part-time work. One of these regulations states that my part-time job must not conflict any official duties. That's why I  generally don't accept any customers who are or could become my students.


  •  COSTS

> Why are your lessons so expensive? The stable around the corner offers pony-riding for €10.

My work requires both a high level of professional competence and qualifications, and well-trained therapy horses. Also, the keeping and feeding of horses bring extensive costs. A horse is not a training device, but it needs 24/7 care.



> Can I rent a horse for pony riding?

No, unfortunately you can't. I know that it sounds fun, but it's my personal belief that pony riding is no fun for the horse. Horses are sensitive and intelligent partners and if you want to understand more about their nature, I can show you. Riding a horse is different than renting a bike. 



> Can I cancel the lesson?

A cancellation of individual lessons is possible up to 48 hours before. However, I reserve the right to termination in the event of frequent, short-term cancellations. Units that are not canceled 48 hours prior, will be charged in full.

The group lessons take place even if some children are absent, but I would appreciate it, if you send my a short text letting me know if you can't make it.


    > How can I make an appointment?

Just contact me and we will find a suitable date. E-mails or text message work best. 


> What if something happens?

My horses are calm and balanced animals that have been trained to work with inexperienced children and adults. But nevertheless, horses are flight animals and there is no ultimate guaranty that they are always calm and gentle. Your child might be injured while grooming, leading or mounting the horse or it might also fall from the horse during a riding session. Therefore my horses have a therapy-horse liability insurance. Please also double-check with your insurance company whether it covers the risk of equestrian sports.



> Is equestrian-assisted training something for me/my child?

Equestrian assisted activities are suitable for anyone who is interested in horses and who wants to learn more about these fascinating animals. 

Other than that, my training is particularly tailored for children, young people and adults with the following special needs:

  • learning development disorders

  • general developmental delays

  • autistic diseases

  • AD(H)D

  • dyscalculia/dyslexia

  • little self-esteem or confidence

  • fears

  • problems in social interactions

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