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Equine-assisted therapy (EAT)

In addition to group settings, I offer individually-designed learning support with the help of the horse. This offer is  suitable for all children, teenagers and adults who want to have the horse's attention all to themselves. You will quickly see how fast you can facilitate personal strengths. 


If you or your child have any special needs (physical/developmental/behavioral/emotional/speech-language-related) you can benefit tremendously from horse-assisted trainings. In contrast to conventional therapies, this experiential learning approach won't feel like 'therapy' at all. You/your child can learn from and with the horse in order to expand educational, professional and personal goals.


Before we start our training, we will sit together and set a special focus for your sessions. We will also reflect the learning progress on a regular basis. 


Based on my professional background as a teacher, I offer the following horse-assisted treatments:

my offers:

  • Are you ready for school?

> 'School skills' training (facilitates development, language skills, concentration, ...)


  • ADHD / ADD training
    > mindfulness training in order to deal with attention deficit disorders


  • Dyslexia training
    > Training to increase language awareness (sound structure, word structure, word formation processes,...)


  • Dyscalculia training

      > Training to foster basic "Math-skills" (basis arithmetic, arithmetic strategies,...)




When? > Please call/text me for individual appointments (60min./session)


Costs? > €90/session


Other horse-assisted trainings (also for adults) on request.


Lernförderung mit Pferd
Entspannen mit Pferden
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