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Equine-assisted activities (EAA)

I offer equine-assisted activities (EAA) in small groups for children from 3 years and older. The group settings involve an age-appropriate learning environment on and with the horse. Games and coordination exercises are integrated into playful lessons that teach the "language of horses". Your children learn how to become thoughtful “horse whisperers” and make their first riding experiences.

  • pony-time:

Younger children from 3 to 6 years get to know my ponys and horses. They learn how to handle a horse ( grooming /  feeding / leading a horse / stable management ) and how to communicate (horse language, horse-human-communication).  First riding experiences are made as well.


When? > 1x a week (duration: 60 minutes)

Costs? > €87,50/month 

  • horse-time :

Older children from 6 up to 9/10 years of age are prepared for the equestrian sport while having fun as a group. In each session we prepare the pony / horse for the riding unit (greeting, cleaning, and saddling the horse), do mounted and ground activities, and then we take care of horse after the riding unit.


When? > 1x a week (duration: 60 minutes)

Costs? > €95,50/month

Pferd bemalen

small groups up to 4 chidren max.

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